and ı just realized. ı was hating myself. ı wanted to be another person. ı wanted to ereased everyone ın my life ( ı never have loved them really. because ı didnt love myself and ı didnt like them. those self confıdence things how crushed my face no matter the age, right? no matter is your age ıts just making more complicating the fucking sitiation. you just dreaming about how ı would be ıf ı am the person. who is that the fucking person? ı dont even know. what should be ı am.) generally tenegegrs stuffs like " fuck my life". actually not important but ıf donnt wanr to do anyting it will be an excuse.

the reasonwhy ı wrote this ı just felt bad ı wanted to write something and ı am hier. sorry for the headache