Still, we wait for a superhero,

Yet in reality, none exist.

Understand war and blood are our stark truths,

In this real play, we're players until our last breath.


Children worldwide cry out, who will say "stop!"

Ukrainian children or Palestinian babies, who knows?

They mock us with their money and games,

I vow to speak until I draw my final breath.


The Middle East looms ahead, new tyrants aspire,

Please open your eyes to all actions, see the broader view.

They believe guns, rockets, and bombs are enough,

Remember, the future is uncertain and tough.


Be happy, be kind, show compassion,

But dare to say "no" when needed.

Fate is from God, yet waiting won't suffice,

Like dwindling petrol, grasp the real plight.


Please, please, please, read, write, take an action!


Written by Poetron