Now, can you convince me that there is an actual end to this story that we've written, entwined like the circles drawn by a slowly curving waist? Eternity is perpetuity. Henceforth, the lines were written whose path was unknown and could not be traced. The dizzying adrenaline of an ongoing inspiration has mixed with the pen to the point that it can no longer be given up. Like the darkest shades of dried blood mixed with the ink that answers incompleted lines of mine. There is no truth, nor can anyone deny it otherwise. Only true lovers can realize the essence of distilled sadness. The pleasure of being lost is rarer than being found. How many times have you read books in which you climbed one step higher? Moreover, is this really a reader's discovery, or is it the excitement of rolling together in the middle of an abysmal spiral staircase? Inspiration could perhaps capture all emotions. Now, can you convince me that there is an actual end to this story that we've written, entwined like the circles drawn by a slowly curving waist begging you to take me away?


A dreamcatcher