Well, as a child I mostly spoke inside my head
I had conversations with the clouds, the dogs, the dead
And they thought me broken, that my tongue was coate...
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Radicalface - The Mute
Well, as a child I mostly spoke inside my head
I had conversations with the clouds, the dogs, the dead
And they thought me broken, that my tongue was coate...
Uzaktan bakıyorum ve sana hafifçe şarkı mırıldanıyorum
ruhumun sana dokunuşunu hissettiğini biliyorum
Seni yazarken seni hayal ederken bana dönüp bakmanı ...
Carla Bruni - Un Grand Amour
On peut chercher l'amour dans les yeux que l'on croise
Dans les peaux que l'on touche, au creux des nuits soyeuses, à pleine bouche
On doit chercher l'amou...
İçeriğin sonu
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