A man came across this old tower one day
It was straight like from a book he once read
He lifted his head up and saw this young lady
And here's what the l...
It's nice to have a friend like you
Who cheers me up when I'm blue
You've been with me for all these years
You were with me when I was in tears
You're th...
bir şairin en büyük derdi
(şiirlerinde bahsettiklerinden sonra tabii ki)
yani muhtemel bir siyasi mesele kurcalarken aklımızı
(siyaset mevzu bahi...
yıl: iki bin yirmi
ay: mart
gün: yirmi bir
kandil-i miraç
yani peygamberin çelebiden önce uçuşu kutlanıyor
wırayt kardeşler perişan
yirmi bir mart düny...
İçeriğin sonu
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