Our Love We Greet

Accept the things you can't change,

Reject the things you can't accept,

The world is yours, remember,

Under the blue sky.

The world is mine, remember,

Under the red sky.

The world is ours, remember,

With peace and all the colors we have.

In the future, we shall learn:

To eat like an ant,

To sleep like a dragon,

To reject like a Hegelian Anti,

To accept like Capitalism.

We'll learn how beautiful the sky is,

And the seas, and the sand,

And the crow, and the lion,

And the dolphin, and the bug,

And the bird, and nature.

You cannot eat money, oh no...

We missed the colors!

Now we shall add some green,

"Peace among worlds!" we shall scream.

If you don't stop the war, we shall,

We shall wait for you on the streets,

With my love, hand in hand.

When a white flag's color is changed

To black, it means always the same.